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Select clips from your library to add them to the timeline.
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Edit Timeline
Drag clips to arrange timeline.
Selected Beats: 8
Move the slider to see how the clips will be spaced based on the beats.
Purpose: Describe what kind of video you'd like the AI to generate.
Example: "A cyberpunk zombie in a storm" will create a video based on that theme.
Tip: Mix genres, objects, and characters to guide the AI.
Purpose: Upload an audio file to sync with your video. The video clips will transition based on the beat of your music.
Supported Formats: Make sure your audio file is in a compatible format (e.g., mp3, wav).
Tip: Choose an audio file that matches the mood or style you want for your video.
Purpose: Select visual styles to influence how the video is generated.
Available Styles:
Tip: You can combine multiple styles for unique results.
After entering your prompt, uploading your audio file, and selecting styles, click the "Generate Video" button to start the AI video creation process.
Status: A status update will appear when the video generation begins (e.g., "Generating video..."). The process may take some time.
View generated video clips in this section. Search or select clips to add them to your timeline.
Tip: Use keywords to find specific clips or previously generated videos.
Drag and drop clips in the desired order to build your timeline.
Delete Clip: Click the red "Delete" button to remove clips.
Tip: Arrange clips in the timeline before rendering for the desired order.
COMING SOON! Automatically fill the timeline to match your video length. Set the video length and click "Auto Fill Clips."
Render Preview: Preview your video timeline before rendering.
Render Music Video: Finalize the video with clips and audio, then download the rendered file.
Feature: Your video timeline and clip arrangements are automatically saved in your session.
Even if you reload the page, the timeline and selected clips will remain in their saved state, ensuring no progress is lost.
Tip: This feature helps to maintain your workflow and resume from where you left off without worrying about losing your timeline.
Feature: If you'd like to start over, simply click the "Clear All Clips" button to remove all clips from your timeline.
A confirmation dialog will appear, asking if you're sure about removing all clips. This ensures you don’t accidentally delete your timeline.
Set the video speed by adjusting the BPM to synchronize video clips with the music.
Renders your video clips in reverse order, with the last clip playing first.
Use the slider to control how many beats each clip remains on screen (6, 8, 12, or 16 beats).
Select the aspect ratio for your video output: