Welcome to Chosen Masters Artist Ticketing Platform

Discover and purchase tickets for your favorite artists' events. Create and sell tickets effortlessly.


Create Events

Easily create events with all the necessary details including name, date, price, description, and location.

Sell Tickets

Sell tickets to your events directly through our platform with secure payment processing.

Manage Events

Manage all your events in one place, view sales data, and make updates as needed.

Map Integration

Easily integrate Google Maps to show event locations and help attendees find their way.

Print Tickets

Allow users to print their tickets with unique QR codes and barcodes for secure entry.

QR Code Payment URLs

Each printed ticket includes a QR code that links directly to the payment URL for easy and secure transactions.

Digital Payments

Our platform supports digital payments with a 7% cut of all transactions. It's free to use!

Share Events

Share your events easily with friends and family through social media and direct links.

Analytics Dashboard

Gain insights with detailed analytics about ticket sales, attendee demographics, and more to make informed decisions.